Product Care

Product Care

Maintaining the exquisite beauty and enduring quality of your jewelry requires diligent attention to proper care and handling, following these essential guidelines will help preserve their allure and longevity.

Avoid repeated exposure to household cleaning products:

  • Household cleaning products can contain harsh chemicals that may be detrimental to the luster and integrity of your jewelry. We strongly advise against wearing your jewelry while using such products to prevent any potential damage.
  • When you’re not wearing your piece, store it in its original box or a soft cloth bag to prevent scratching.
  • Buffer your piece with a polishing cloth for extra shine.
  • Clean it with a soft-bristled toothbrush, warm water and mild dish soap.

Be Cautious with Perfumes, Hair Spray, and Cosmetics:

  • Certain personal care products, including perfumes, hair spray, and cosmetics, may contain chemicals that can negatively impact the appearance and durability of your jewelry. It is recommended to apply these products before putting on your jewelry to avoid any potential contact. 
By adhering to these precautionary measures, you can enhance the longevity and beauty of your cherished jewelry pieces, ensuring that they continue to radiate elegance and grace for years to come. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship extends beyond the moment of purchase, and we believe that with proper care, your jewelry will remain a symbol of timeless